We continuously develop our solutions and respond to current customer needs and threats. That is why we expand our portfolio by our brands. 

Our brands aim to tackle various issues in the field of cyber security such as the focus on new cyber security technologies made in Austria and also the educational aspect of cyber security.



Ladies in Cyber Security

For individual use cases and inquiries


Every day organizations are exposed to cyber attacks. Information security teams do their best, but it is very difficult to monitor the current situation, pinpoint leading indicators, respond to issues, and stay informed about latest attack vectors, methods and threats – and it is overwhelming to do all of this at the same time. Mylog.ai warns about deviations of the system network behavior reflected in the system’s log files and helps to discover emerging threats with its data mining solution.


Hackersbay.io is a newly released brand by ARES Cyber Intelligence GmbH and aims to create an innovative platform for those of you who want to get into Cyber Security and dive into the world of fighting the dark side. Our goal is to further encourage and challenge young talents! Hackersbay provides an online platform for young talents and for their future education and career.

Die Cyber Academy – Hackersbay.io ist  gefördert durch die aws, aus Mitteln der Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung

Ladies in Cyber Security

Ladies in Cyber Security an initiative by ARES Cyber Intelligence and has the objective to create a community of Women in Cyber Security in Austria.

Our Mission is not only to create an Austrian-based community of women in cyber security but we aim to empower women who want to enter the field of cyber security. Our goal is also to inspire and encourage young girls and increase their involvement in Cyber Security.

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Crisis Communication
Reinstatement costs
Production Downtime

Calculate the Cost of Downtime = Number of impacted employees x Average hourly rate x Productivity impact percent.

Example: 100 employees x 50€ per hour x 70% = 3.500€ downtime cost

Calculate Cost of Lost Sales = Average Daily Sales / Total Daily Hours x total downtime hours

Example: 20.000€ per day / 8 hours = 2.500€ sales/hour x 14 downtime hrs = 35.000€ lost sales

Business interruption costs are often five to ten times higher than direct costs.
You’ve accessed the mainframe using a double-handshake attack on the firewall, you need to brute-force the password…