Ares Cyber Intelligence

ARES Cyber Intelligence GmbH

ARES Cyber Intelligence GmbH consists of an international team of experts with many years of experience and top references. We support our customers in all aspects of their corporate security.

Together with our clients we aim to identify the risk of a threat as early as possible and to prevent cyber attacks before the company suffers damage. We also help our clients during a cyber attack as well as post-incident.

We act discreetly and trustfully in the interest of our clients.

Total Cost of Ransomware


Total Cost of Ransomware Calculation

  • Ransom (average)
    250.000 €
  • + Lost Business Productivity (20.000 – 50.000€ )
    35.000 €
  • + Extra hours for employees (IT, Management)
    50.000 €
  • + Costs for external teams
    100.000 €
  • + Data Protection Authority (DSB) penalty payment (20.000 - 60.000)
    40.000 €
  • + Emergency operations
    50.000 €
  • + Contractual penalties arising from SLA’s (up to 200.000)
    100.000 €
    1.205.000 €


Total Cost of Ransomware Calculation

  • Ransom (average)
    255.000 €
  • + Lost Business Productivity
    (20.000 – 50.000€ )
    35.000 €
  • + Extra hours for employees
    (IT, Management)
    50.000 €
  • + Costs for external teams
    100.000 €
  • + Data Protection Authority (DSB)
    penalty payment (20.000 - 60.000)
    40.000 €
  • + Emergency operations
    50.000 €
  • + Contractual penalties
    arising from SLA’s (up to 200.000)
    100.000 €
    1.205.000 €

+ What’s not on the bill but could cost you a fortune

+ Manager liability

+ Damaged company reputation

+ Dissatisfaction concerns and loss of trust

+ Data loss

+ Possible loss of clients

+ Employee stress and morale concerns

Contact us

Reason for contact:
Production Downtime

Calculate the Cost of Downtime = Number of impacted employees x Average hourly rate x Productivity impact percent.

Example: 100 employees x 50€ per hour x 70% = 3.500€ downtime cost

Calculate Cost of Lost Sales = Average Daily Sales / Total Daily Hours x total downtime hours

Example: 20.000€ per day / 8 hours = 2.500€ sales/hour x 14 downtime hrs = 35.000€ lost sales

Business interruption costs are often five to ten times higher than direct costs.
Reinstatement costs
Crisis Communication
Improving internal IT structures
Get Acces to the ARES Phishing Folder
You’ve accessed the mainframe using a double-handshake attack on the firewall, you need to brute-force the password…